Hell on Wheels (2011) follows the story of a former slave, Cullen Bohannon, who seeks revenge for the death of his wife by working on the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. Set in the 19th-century American Wild West, the show delves into the violent and brutal realities of that time period, exploring themes of survival, racism, and the clash of different cultures.
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
In this Old West musical tale with 1940s flair, a fearless little train and his engineer confront obsolescence as bigger, faster, and more automated machines take center stage.
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