A Certain Magical Index follows the story of Touma Kamijou, a high school student with a mysterious power that cancels out any other supernatural abilities. He becomes involved in a secret organization known as Necessarius, and is tasked with protecting Index, a young nun who possesses forbidden magical knowledge. As Touma navigates through a world where magic and science collide, he must unravel the mysteries behind his own power and the true nature of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
A Certain Scientific Railgun is set in a world where people with superpowers, known as espers, exist. The story follows Misaka Mikoto, a powerful esper and middle school student, as she navigates the challenges of a city filled with crime, human experimentation, and supernatural events.
In Eraser, a US Marshal must protect a witness who holds key information to a conspiracy. With deception, betrayal, and a traitor among them, the agent must navigate a dangerous web of treachery and stay one step ahead of a relentless assassin. This action-packed thriller keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness showdowns, ambushes, and explosive train explosions.
Earth Star Voyager is a TV mini-series that follows the journey of a group of young astronauts who must save Earth from a polluted environment. They embark on a space colonization mission to find a new home for humanity. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and dangers in outer space.
In the near-distant future, a female romance writer is planning to write her next book in a remote mountain cabin. A friend convinces her to bring along a "companion", a nearly-human android to cook and clean. She settles on a male companion named "Geoffrey." Bored with some of Geoffrey's behavior, she tinkers with his programming -- first his personality, then his sexuality. Real trouble comes when she gives his mind access to "random data."
A young, civilian aristocrat with no practical military experience must lead his bottom-dollar crew on a dangerous mission and overcome his youth, inexperience, and self doubt in this microbudget sci-fi drama.
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