Goodbye Soviet Union is a comedy-drama film that takes place in Soviet-era Estonia. It explores themes of family, childhood, and the fall of communism. The story follows a single mother and her son as they navigate the changes happening around them. The movie touches on topics like school life, bullying, first love, and the struggles faced by the people during that time.
In Bugsy and Mugsy, Bugs Bunny finds himself caught in the middle of a gangster chase when he mistakenly gets into a robbery getaway car. Rocky and Mugsy, the notorious gangsters, suspect Bugs of double-crossing them and go after him. With a series of comical and surreal encounters, Bugs Bunny manages to outsmart the bumbling criminals and exonerates himself from any wrongdoing.
The Lentz Triplets are the biggest movie stars in the world. When it's time to renegotiate their contract, it's up to Biggs Tomlinson to get that ink on paper. He ventures to the mysterious Lentz household with his trusty briefcase in hand. There he meets Milly, aging film star and mother of the triplets. What follows is a game of cat and mouse as Biggs must solve the mystery of the Lentz family before it's too late.
The stork tells about a harrowing encounter with a gun emplacement. As a result, he declares himself "closed for the duration."
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