Set in the 1960s, a young boy named Bobby and his brother find solace and adventure in their homemade Radio Flyer wagon, using it as a means of escape from their abusive stepfather. Through their imaginative play, they navigate their way through difficult situations and create a sense of hope and resilience.
In 'The Prince of Tides,' a man is forced to confront his traumatic childhood and the dysfunction of his family when his twin sister attempts suicide. He turns to a psychiatrist for help and starts to unravel the suppressed memories and emotions that have haunted him for years. Along the way, he discovers love and finds healing in unexpected places.
In the early 1940s, a depressed young woman, who's been eclipsed all of her life by her beautiful twin sister, tries to overcome her low self-esteem with help from a crusty old sea captain.
World War II GIs adopt an Italian war orphan.
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