In the year 1957, a group of astronauts crash-land on Earth after a space mission gone wrong. They find themselves in a future where humanity has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust. As they explore the desolate world, they encounter mutants, giant spiders, and a subterranean city. They also discover the ability to travel through time, which leads them to uncover the truth about the destruction of civilization and their own role in it.
Made-for-TV special about a delivery man, his friends, and a talking ape mutating into quirky superheroes and fighting a mad scientist who wants to conquer their futuristic atomic city. Based on the eponymous NES video game.
Jables and Kage are living their lives when a nuclear war breaks out. After surviving the onslaught by hiding in a '50s refrigerator, they must wander the post-apocalyptic world.
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