Made in Britain follows the story of Trevor, a rebellious teenager with a troubled past. He gets involved with skinhead gangs, commits crimes, and ends up in a detention center. The film explores themes of racism, social inequality, and the cycle of poverty through Trevor's journey. With its dark humor and realistic portrayal of British society in the 1980s, Made in Britain is a thought-provoking and intense film.
Scum is a 1991 British crime drama TV movie that depicts the brutal and harsh realities of life inside a British borstal. The story follows the experiences of a young teenage boy named Carlin, who navigates the violent and corrupt world of the detention center. Carlin faces various challenges, including dealing with racism, violence, and the abuse of power by both fellow inmates and staff members. The movie delves into themes of juvenile delinquency, corruption, and the struggle for survival in a harsh and unforgiving environment.
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