O.J.: Made in America is a documentary series that delves into the life and career of O.J. Simpson, from his rise to fame as a football player to his fall from grace after being accused of murder. The series also explores the racial tensions and media frenzy surrounding his trial, highlighting the larger social and cultural issues at play.
It tells the story of the courageous campaign of citizens and activists who faced violence and oppression in the struggle for the right to vote.
A coming-of-age story ignites when teenager Josh Sendler has to pack up his hoop dreams and move from the lush cornfields of Indiana to the harsh inner-city playgrounds of Newark, N.J.. He meets and befriends basketball phenom, Antwon Jackson, on the local court and together they make a run for the high school state championship. Their friendship is tested along the way and ultimately must prove itself in the face of the explosive n-word.
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