The Duchess of Duke Street is a TV show set in Edwardian-era London. It follows the story of Louisa Trotter, a talented hotel chef who rises from a life of poverty to become a respected figure in British society. The show explores the social dynamics of the time and covers historical events such as World War One, all while providing an insight into the world of high society and the challenges Louisa faces as a woman of ambitious aspirations.
In 1930s London, a private detective gets entangled with Russian nobility, a broken engagement, and a grand duke. With the help of a wire fox terrier, he navigates through a series of events that include auctions, showgirls, and a romantic rivalry.
Any Number Can Play follows the story of a man torn between his loyalty to his family and his addiction to gambling. As he gets involved in the underground gambling world, his life begins to spiral out of control. He must confront his fears and make difficult choices in order to find redemption.
A lovesick girl and her grandfather groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.
A woman marries a gambler with the hopes of reforming him, but things don't quite work out the way she planned.
The various residents and occupants of a resort hotel await the outcome of a horse race at a nearby track, as it will affect each of their lives in different ways.
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