In this dark comedy, a desperate man makes a deal with the devil, granting him seven wishes in exchange for his soul. However, each wish he makes takes him down a twisted and unexpected path, teaching him valuable lessons about life and love. As he navigates through alternate realities and encounters eccentric characters, he realizes that the things he thought would make him happy are not what he truly desires. Will he find true happiness before it's too late?
Whistleblower is a drama movie based on a novel that tells the story of a Japanese woman working in a trading company. She discovers a corporate corruption scandal and becomes a whistleblower, exposing the truth and risking everything. The movie explores themes of hierarchy, sales meetings, quotas, and the consequences of speaking up against powerful entities.
In the wake of the shooting of five Dallas police officers, BBC Three investigates why tension is rising between America’s police forces and ethnic minorities. Shot on the streets of New York, the film follows ‘Cop Watchers’ – men and women who track the NYPD in a cat-and-mouse game to try and film arrests and possible cases of brutality. NYPD officers also speak out, alleging systemic racism and a policy of targeting ethnic minority communities in order hit their arrest quotas.
A Documentary About Ellis Island as told by the immigrants and historians.
Quota - The Reservation is the story of a Dalit medical student who faces discrimination and bias because of his lower caste. Determined to bring about change, he decides to challenge the system and create a movement that will shake the whole nation.
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