Rodents follows the story of a young man who gets involved in petty theft and becomes entangled in a dangerous web of crime. As he navigates this world of danger and corruption, he learns about the harsh realities of life and the price he must pay for his choices. Set in Quito, Ecuador, this film explores themes of friendship, class differences, and the consequences of criminal actions.
Starting her senior year in high school, Sara doesn't have many friends and is caught between an overbearing mother, and a more understanding father. With uneasiness at school and tension in the household, Sara escapes to smoke in a little alley alone – that is – until Andrea, a new classmate, arrives. A close friendship develops to all that can see, but behind closed doors, an intimate relationship unfolds, which, when discovered, throws everything into disarray.
Documental film about Jorge Martínez, leader of the spanish rock band Ilegales.
This short film focuses on the evolving country of Ecuador.
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