The story follows a high school student named Futaro Uesugi who becomes a private tutor for a set of quintuplets, each with their own unique personality and academic struggles. As he helps them overcome their difficulties, Futaro also finds himself getting closer to the sisters and discovering the truth about their mysterious past.
Teenage tutor Fuutaro Uesugi is faced with the difficult decision of choosing between the five Nakano Sisters, all of whom have developed feelings for him. The upcoming School's Cultural Festival serves as the backdrop for this important choice and will ultimately determine his future with one of them. As the festival draws near, the girls and Fuutaro grow closer, building stronger bonds and deepening their emotions. The third year of high school marks a turning point for them all as they confront their feelings and ponder what lies ahead.
Quintuplets is a sitcom about the Chase family, who are trying to navigate through the challenges of raising quintuplets. With a swing-dancing father, a cheerleading mother, and five high school students with unique personalities, hilarity ensues in their daily lives.
OutDaughtered is a reality TV show that follows the daily life of a family with quintuplets. It provides a unique insight into the challenges and joys of raising multiple children of the same age, showcasing the ups and downs of their family dynamics.
The Quintessential Quintuplets∽ (2022) explores new and unrevealed stories from the manga series. Join the Nakano quintuplets on their hilarious and heartwarming adventures, as they navigate love, academic struggles, and their unique bond as sisters.%s
When Oliva and Elzire Dionne have quintuplets in rural 1930s Canada, news of their uncommon family spreads like wildfire and steps up local tourism, thanks in part to an opportunistic town doctor who uses the children to enhance his own celebrity.
A movie star must take care of triplets left in his care and face a series of comedic challenges, including a shotgun wedding, a bullfight, and the rescue of a newborn baby. Through physical comedy and farcical situations, he navigates parenthood and friendship.
Quints is a heartwarming comedy that follows the life of a 13-year-old girl who suddenly becomes an older sister to quintuplets. She must navigate the challenges of family dynamics, teenage life, and the responsibilities of being a sister and daughter.
In a small village in Provence, a quintuplet sheep goes missing, causing confusion and chaos among the townspeople. As they search for the sheep, the brothers, who have very different personalities, find themselves caught up in hilarious situations. From a mistaken identity to gender disguise, the brothers navigate their way through the town's quirks and challenges as they try to locate the missing sheep and restore order.
In 1934, Elzire Dionne delivered five identical girls. The Dionne Quintuplets follows Cecile, Emilie, Marie, Yvonne and Annette through twenty-one years of strange upbringing. When the girls were just infants, the premier of Ontario issued a court order removing them from parental care. Cut off from the world and their family, over-publicized, viewed twice daily in a special viewing compound, they grew up as prize exhibits. Director Donald Brittain uses old newsreel footage, home-movie sequences and interviews to depict a historic event that became a tragic exploitation of a family.
A documentary about the major events of the first fifty years of the Twentieth Century.
Pluto wants to chase the sausage man, but Fifi convinces him to look after their five rambunctious puppies instead. The puppies end up in the basement, where they tangle with a compressed air tank, paint, a jug of hooch, and other hazards. Fifi returns and finds a drunk Pluto, paint on everyone, and gets very angry.
This James A. FitzPatrick TravelTalks short visits Callander, the Ontario, Canada hometown of the world-famous Dionne Quintuplets, where we meet the five girls and the doctor who delivered them, and take a look about the town.
Carnage is a dark comedy that follows the story of a taxidermist who, after losing his job, takes a job in a supermarket. There, he falls in love with a Spanish actress. As their relationship develops, they encounter a series of bizarre and comedic situations. With elements of romance, drama, and comedy, Carnage explores themes of love, identity, and the pursuit of happiness.
Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous.
Rival reporters compete to sign the Wyatt Quintuplets to be guests on their radio shows.
In 'Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise,' three men working in the oil industry struggle with a series of hilarious mishaps and misunderstandings. When they accidentally cover themselves in oil, they become the target of a group of swindlers who are after a valuable land deed. With slapstick humor and comedic timing, the trio must find a way to outsmart their adversaries and save the day.
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
In 1963 the first known surviving set of American quintuplets were born to Mary Ann and Andrew Fischer, this film looks at some of the changes their arrival caused to their family.