Big Break is a British game show based around the game of snooker, mixed with traditional game show elements. It was broadcast on BBC1 between 30 April 1991 and 9 October 2002. It influenced a later game show for the network called Full Swing, but based around golf, and itself was in part influenced by ITV's long-running darts quiz Bullseye.
De Mol is a popular reality TV show that challenges contestants' teamwork and trust as they try to identify the saboteur among them. The show features exciting adventures, mind-boggling questions, and intense deception game-show elements.
Summer Ghost is a compelling movie about a high school student whose life takes a dramatic turn when she starts experiencing supernatural occurrences during the summer break. As she unravels the truth behind these eerie encounters, she discovers a hidden world and learns valuable lessons about life, friendship, and love.
When a woman participates in a garage sale, she stumbles upon a series of murders that she must unravel to bring the killer to justice. With multiple plot twists and a variety of suspects, she must use her detective skills to solve the mystery.
Nick News with Linda Ellerbee is an educational children's and teenagers' television show on Nickelodeon that has been shown since 1992. Nick News takes the form of a highly rated and recognized news program for children and teenagers alike, discussing important social, political and economic issues in a format intended for both children and adults. The show is famous for allowing normal teenagers to speak out on their own personal opinions on a number of past and current worldwide issues and topics, including events such as Black History Month.
It’s 1988. Recently married Dana helps her eternally-single friend Aleea make a video profile for a dating service ATOMIC LOVE, provoking a confession which forces them to address the nature of their relationship.
Boris Anderson hosts a game show to challenge characters from various franchises with answering trivia questions. Who will be grounded, and who will be ungrounded?
This 14-minute film is designed to create an atmosphere in which people can speak seriously and openly about their thoughts and feelings concerning sexual behavior. The film concerns the conflict a young couple faces because of their different attitudes toward sex.
Susan, a pretty high school student, has everything going for her—except popularity. She can't figure out why she is so "out of step" with the rest of the crowd. She finally comes to realize that her habit of "hanging back" and "not trying to fit in" is making her unpopular. She vows to change her ways and go along with the crowd, which means that people will like her.
While he sleeps, a woman desperate to get pregnant makes a desolate choice.
Life becomes complicated for a gay man living in NYC when his Swedish granny shows up for a visit unannounced.
in complete world is a feature-length documentary made up of street interviews done throughout NYC. Mixing political questions (Are we responsible for the government we get?) with more broadly existential ones (Do you feel you have control over your life?), the film centers on the tension between individual and collective responsibility. The film can be seen as a user's manual for citizenship in the 21st century, as well as a glimpse into the opinions and self-perceptions of a diverse group of Americans. It is a testament to the people of NYC in this new millennium, who freely offer up thoughtful, provocative and at times tender revelations to a complete stranger, just because she asked.
In 'Memories for Sale,' a closeted-gay comedian's life takes a dramatic turn when he sells a secret manuscript. The story revolves around questions of privacy, betrayal, and the pursuit of money. The film is set in a single room and explores themes of publishing, legend, and the consequences of a surprise ending.
In SCP: Unremarkable, a group of scientists find an anomalous object that raises deep questions about the nature of reality. As they delve further into their research, they begin to question their own sanity and the fabric of their existence. Will they be able to handle the truth they uncover?
Verdict 19 is a gripping documentary that follows the journey of candidates taking a rigorous examination that determines their professional qualifications. The film explores the themes of integrity, corruption, and ambition as the candidates navigate the complex judicial system and compete for a coveted position. With multiple-choice questions, interviews, and evaluations, the candidates face intense pressure and scrutiny. Their skills, knowledge, and character are put to the test as they strive to achieve their career aspirations and overcome personal challenges. Verdict 19 offers a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection of education, ambition, and the pursuit of justice.
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