Hansel and Gretel, two young siblings, find themselves lost in the woods after being abandoned by their evil stepmother. They stumble upon a witch's house made of candy and must use their wit and resourcefulness to outsmart her and find their way back home.
When an evil businessman threatens to demolish an orphanage, a millionaire with amnesia believes he is Santa Claus and uses his wealth and newfound abilities to save the day.
A jewel thief and a detective become unlikely allies as they chase an uncut diamond across Europe, facing danger, romance, and unexpected twists along the way.
Mira has heartaches from the recent breakup and feel hollow inside. Her friend Ingeborg trying in vain to fill Mira's hole with vodka and new men, but it is only when Mira encounters shaman Uhlrik that a more holistic solution arises: Mira must find her inner power animal. But after Uhlrik has drummed her in a trance, she meets not what she had expected....
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