Voice from the Stone is a suspenseful drama that takes place in 1950s Italy. It follows a young nurse who arrives at a remote castle to care for a mute boy who has lost his mother. However, she soon becomes entangled in the dark secrets of the family and the house, leading to a haunting and mysterious experience.
A story of family, of dreams deferred, and of a final chance at redemption. Frustrated with his waning baseball career, David returns to his hometown and becomes obsessed with a local lovely, reaching out to her troubled son. When David is rejected, the townsfolk gossip about his relationship with the boy.
Forbidden Fruit follows the story of a teenager living in a conservative religious community in Helsinki, Finland. She navigates the challenges of friendship, faith, and sexuality as she experiences a sexual awakening and loss of virginity. The movie explores themes of conservatism, religious faith, and the conflict between traditional values and personal desires.
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