In a world plagued by monstrous creatures, one unlikely hero rises to protect humanity from the imminent threat. As the creatures wreak havoc, a team of scientists and military personnel join forces to track down and stop the monsters. Uncovering the truth behind their origins and motivations, they must rely on the fearless power of Godzilla, a prehistoric alpha predator, to ultimately save mankind from destruction.
When a deadly strain of the flu virus breaks out in South Korea, a medical researcher and a rescue worker race against time to find a cure and stop the epidemic from spreading.
In the near future, a giant alien creature has taken over half of Mexico. A photographer and his boss's daughter must travel through an infected zone to reach safety and the US-Mexico border. Along the way, they encounter danger, romance, and the true nature of the alien creature.
In a small city in Central Europe, a teenage girl finds herself in the midst of a zombie pandemic. As the virus spreads and the city goes into lockdown, she must navigate the chaos and find a way to survive.
La Habanera is a drama/romance movie set in 1930s Puerto Rico. It tells the story of a woman named Astree, who moves to Puerto Rico to marry a wealthy plantation owner named Don Pedro. However, she soon realizes that her marriage is not what she expected, as she faces an abusive husband and struggles with the epidemic that breaks out on the island. Astree must navigate a complicated web of relationships and confront her own desires and fears in this emotional tale.
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