Phantasm: Ravager (2016) is a surrealistic horror film that follows the story of Mike as he continues his battle against the Tall Man, a supernatural villain. Mike faces devastation as he navigates through different dimensions, deserts, and mortuaries. With the help of his friends, Mike must stop the alien invasion and save the world before it's too late.
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead follows the unstoppable supernatural villain, the Tall Man, as he invades a deserted town. The story continues from the ending of the previous film and features an alien invasion, a funeral home, and a team-up of unlikely heroes. With dark comedy and cringe humor, the movie explores themes of post-apocalypse and love lost. Will the heroes be able to stop the Tall Man, or is the town doomed to destruction?
Phantasm IV: Oblivion is a supernatural fantasy horror film where an unlikely hero embarks on a journey to the past to uncover the backstory of the tall man, encountering killer spheres, interdimensional beings, and a dimensional portal along the way.
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