The King's Woman is a captivating historical romance drama set in ancient China during the Han Dynasty. The story follows the forbidden love between Gong Sun Li, a powerful and intelligent woman, and Ying Zheng, the ruthless Emperor of Qin. As they navigate the dangerous world of palace politics and face numerous obstacles, their love is put to the ultimate test. Filled with love triangles, rivalries, murder, and revenge, The King's Woman is a gripping tale of passion and power.
Based off the very popular CGI animation series Qin's Moon, comes an adaptation from Tangren.
During the late stages of the Warring States era of the Qin state, Ying Zheng, Lu Bu Wei, Li Si, Wang Jian and many formidable politicians work together to unite the six states under one rule.
The drama chronicles the life of Ba Qing, the wealthiest woman of the Qin Dynasty. She is known to have provided mercury for the first Emperor of China’s mausoleum, and also funded construction works for the Great Wall. She is referred to as the older sister by Ying Zheng, the Emperor of Qin Dynasty and they become involved in a complicated romance.
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