The Twelve Kingdoms is a fantasy anime series where a high school girl, Yoko Nakajima, is transported to a parallel world and becomes the ruler of one of the twelve kingdoms. With the help of her advisors and magical creatures called kirin, Yoko must navigate the treacherous political landscape and face various challenges as she fulfills her destiny.
Po, a clumsy and overweight panda, becomes the Dragon Warrior and protects the Valley of Peace along with his friends, known as the Furious Five. Together, they face various threats and villains using their unique kung fu skills.
In the mystical land of China, four young pandas are chosen to become the next generation of kung fu warriors. They must learn to harness their unique powers and work together to defeat evil and protect the balance of peace in the world. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, face their fears, and discover the true meaning of friendship and bravery.
When a young boy becomes the chosen one, he must use a magical sword to defeat evil spirits and monsters that threaten his village. With the help of yokai, mythical creatures from Japanese folklore, he embarks on a thrilling adventure to save his town.
When the evil Yo-Kai Kin, Gin and Bronzlow makes the Yo-Kai Watch disappear from time so they can help Dame Dedtime prevent humans and Yo-Kai from being friends, Nate Adams finds help in the Yo-Kai Hovernyan, who takes Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan 60 years to the past, when the Yo-Kai Watch was first invented by Nate's grandfather, Nathaniel Adams, while he was a boy. Together, the 2 boys fight Dame Dedtime and her evil Wicked Yo-Kai minions to save the world from her evil plans.
Confucius was one of history's most influential thinkers. He was a sage, philosopher and teacher who, with Socrates and Buddha, lived at an extraordinary time in the evolution of human civilization. This stunningly beautiful drama-documentary explores the life and times of Confucius, while reflecting on his influence on modern justice and morality. Today, Confucius is a window into China's rise.
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