Awoken follows the story of a medical student in Adelaide, Australia, who discovers a rare disease that causes acute insomnia. As she begins to dive deeper into the world of sleep disorders, she uncovers a sinister plot and must fight to find a cure before it's too late. The movie explores themes of family relationships, mental instability, and the power of dreams.
Ethos is a documentary that delves into the world of power, politics, and conspiracy theories. It examines topics such as the military-industrial complex, the role of the president of the United States, and the influence of the media. The film also discusses controversial events such as the Oklahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center disaster, and the Iraq War. Through interviews and analysis, Ethos presents a thought-provoking exploration of the forces that shape our society.
Shadows follows the story of the Wilson family, whose not too excited to go on a family vacation. Though perceived as the perfect family, they are far from it.
A story of revenge, murder and violence in the gray streets of Lima.
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