This unsold television pilot was a sequel to the 1985 movie "Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins." Set one year after the events of that film (and loosely based on the plot of the novella "The Day Remo Died"), this TV pilot not only included footage from the 1985 film in its opening credits, but it also included a musical score from Craig Safan, who also scored the Remo feature film.
While Carol Murdock is becoming the golf-champion at the country club, husband Anthony is all wrapped up in his business and rants a lot about how much time his wife spends playing gold, thereby neglecting their home and him. Carol teams up with golfer Phillip Reeves and they win a tournament together, and Reeves becomes infatuated with Carol. Anthony rants some more and Carol packs up and starts the divorce proceedings. Anthony fights back by taking up golf himself.
Bobby Jones and narrator O.B. Keeler take viewers on a condensed round of golf.
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