In Dream a Little Dream, a group of high school friends discover a pair of magical sunglasses that allow them to enter each other’s dreams and switch bodies. As they navigate the complexities of their new lives, they uncover hidden secrets, confront personal challenges, and explore the power of dreams. This body-swap comedy takes viewers on a whimsical journey filled with romance, humor, and self-discovery.
Dr. Hugo Arranz celebrates his 50th birthday with his wife and daughter when vile hooligans break into their home, raping and killing both his wife and daughter and cutting out Hugo's tongue. Fortunately, he survives, and not surprisingly, he goes "Bronson" on the punks after some self-training with knives, pistols and weightlifting.
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
Some punks go into a small town and start hassling the gas station owner; Billy Ray Dalton a friend of the owner pulls a shot gun on them and tells them to go away. Later they go back and force the owner to tell them where Dalton lives. Now, Dalton a part time musician's out on a gig, when they go to his house and kill his pregnant wife, and take his daughter. Dalton follows them to try and get his daughter back.
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