Sex and the Single Girl is a comedy movie from 1964 that revolves around deception, impersonation, and a series of hilarious situations. The story follows a tabloid writer who pretends to be a psychiatrist in order to get insider information on a well-known author. As the plot unfolds, misunderstandings, mix-ups, and outrageous situations ensue, making for a delightful and entertaining watch.
Masquerade is a 1988 erotic thriller that follows the story of a judge's seductive stepdaughter, an unfolding murder investigation, and a web of secrets. As the evidence mounts, fear and suspicion spread, leading to a shocking plot twist that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Get ready for a thrilling ride filled with intrigue, passion, and betrayal.
A Family Like Many Others is a 1949 movie that portrays the complexities of family dynamics. The film explores the relationships between parents and children, as well as the conflicts that arise within a family. Set in the 1940s, it delves into topics such as domestic violence, father-daughter relationships, and sibling dynamics. This melodrama follows the story of a family as they navigate through various challenges and try to maintain their relationships.
Ajlawju is a 1999 comedy-drama movie that explores themes of jealousy, divorce, and falling in love. The story follows a man who becomes obsessed with a woman, leading to a series of comedic and dramatic events. The movie also delves into themes of frustration, drunkenness, and power struggles between men and women. Caught masturbating and having sex in public, the characters navigate through quarrels and punctuality issues. The protagonist, a literary critic, finds himself reuniting with his estranged father, adding another layer of complexity to the story.
This story humorously uses different events to explore the habit of late coming among Africans. While addressing some of the challenges that several Africans face with being on time, the story also unveils how to combat the infamous African Time. Ironically, many Africans that are late to various social events are seldom late to work and other self-benefiting engagements.
Casey Jones is one of the best engineers there is and it is his duty to get his cargo to its destination on time via train. He sets off but is set back by a number of unfortunate circumstances such as a rain storm, a cow on the tracks, a mad bomber, and finally, when his train starts falling apart. Worst of all, he is on a collision course with another train coming in the opposite direction. After a terrific crash, the man at the train station assumes the worst when Casey doesn't show up but, to his delight, Casey finally makes it to his destination a total wreck but on time (almost).
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