In 1960s Paris, a young filmmaker named Paul struggles to complete his sci-fi film amidst a series of surreal and outrageous events. As he faces challenges such as a dysfunctional production crew, a mysterious secret agent, and his own self-absorption, Paul must navigate the dark side of the moon and his own personal demons to find his artistic vision.
After a powerful Japanese mafia kidnaps his sister as part of a ransom plot, a skilled martial artist infiltrates their ranks to save her and seek revenge, facing off against assassins, mercenaries, and the mafia's henchmen.
In Cloak & Dagger, a young girl named Davey with a vivid imagination becomes involved in a thrilling spy adventure when she discovers a video game containing top-secret codes. With the help of her imaginary friend, an invisible hero named Jack Flack, she must outsmart dangerous spies and save her father from becoming a traitor. Filled with suspense, action, and heartwarming moments, Cloak & Dagger is a unique and exciting family film.
A clerk is given $10,000 to deposit at the bank, but the bank is closed for the night so he tries to get to the bank president's house with the money.
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