The Bang Bang Club is a gripping drama based on real events that follows the lives of a group of dedicated photographers covering the violent and tumultuous final years of apartheid in South Africa. These passionate individuals risk their lives to document the political violence, elections, and widespread turmoil plaguing the nation. Amidst the chaos, they find love, friendships, and personal growth while battling their own demons. The Bang Bang Club explores the power of photojournalism, the bravery of those who capture history, and the impact of their images on the world.
Before the Rain is a movie set in war-torn Macedonia, exploring themes of love, violence, and social commentary. The story follows three interconnected parts, depicting the lives of various characters affected by the ethnic warfare in the Balkan region.
A struggling writer, Byron, finds himself in financial trouble and becomes an escort to support his family. Along the way, he navigates through complicated relationships, unfaithfulness, and the pursuit of love and self-respect.
Desperate filmmaker Osric Taylor dreams of making his civil war Hamlet but when production funding dries up, he agrees to take southern matron Hester Beauchamps offer to fund the film if he throws some zombies in it to make their money back. But when Hester dies in mid shoot, Osric dresses up as Hester to cash the last check and awakens the suspicions of both the local police and ambitious local news reporter Shine Reynolds. Inspired by an actual incident.
An unknown Kentucky writer comes to New York and pursues fame and women.
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