Badge 373 is a thrilling crime drama set in 1970s New York City. The story follows a tough and uncompromising police officer who goes on a mission of revenge after the murder of his partner. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption, racism, and violence that plagues the city. Fueled by his grief and a desire for justice, he becomes increasingly obsessed with finding the culprits and bringing them to justice.
When his dancer partner, Mia, lands in the hospital after an accident, Armando persuades her to train for an upcoming wheelchair ballroom dancing contest.
Popi (1969) follows the story of a widowed Hispanic father who resorts to creating a series of comedic schemes and hoaxes in order to improve the future of his two sons in the slums of New York. Through disguises and madcap comedy, Popi navigates the challenges of poverty, fatherhood, and urban life, all while dealing with the complexities of being a Spanish-speaking immigrant.
Winter Santos is recovering from a violent abusive romantic relationship with her ex Joey. A year after the relationship has ended, Winter finds herself creating her own family of sorts. She often sits and talks to Bernie the neighborhood uncle. Winter practices fire-escape yoga with her nosey neighbor Tata and battles her addictions with her new family she has built. Living now with Harold her closeted bestie who's going to need to tell Vanessa about the man he's been lusting after. Her own best practices lead her to meditating in the park and by chance or as if by Divine intervention she runs into her estranged sisters Ivette and Sky. Winter tries everything to win their trust but there's a lot of healing left to do.
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