In 'Wish Upon', a teenage girl named Clare discovers a mysterious music box that grants her every wish. Excited by her newfound power, she begins to make wishes, unaware of the deadly consequences that come with each one. As Clare's wishes become more and more dangerous, she must find a way to break the curse before it consumes her completely.
Emma, a young woman living in the countryside, loves matchmaking and meddling in the affairs of others. As she navigates the challenges of courtship and love in 1810s England, she learns valuable lessons about class prejudice, snobbery, and the importance of honesty.
The beautiful account of the powerful drama of love and courage of Austrian Archduke Franz Joseph and Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria. This is a condensed version of the original German language 3-part "Sissi" series.
A wealthy businessman in 1950s Milan, Italy, becomes a widower after his wife dies in an elevator crash. Frustrated with his unhappy marriage, he decides to plan her murder. However, his plans take a comedic turn when his wife humiliates him in public and he is presumed dead. This Italian comedy explores themes of capitalism, business, and marital conflicts in a light-hearted manner.
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