Homeland is a captivating TV show that follows the story of Carrie Mathison, a bipolar CIA officer who becomes obsessed with capturing terrorists. As she navigates the murky world of intelligence and counter-terrorism, she must battle her own personal demons and the betrayals within her own agency. With its intense plot and thought-provoking themes, Homeland keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Method is a TV show about a female protagonist who becomes involved in a murder investigation in Russia. As she delves deeper into the case, she uncovers a dark past and battles her own mental illness and alcoholism. The show explores themes of psychosis, anti-heroism, and the complex relationship between a father and daughter.
I Remember You is a suspenseful TV show that follows a detective with memory loss and a criminal profiler as they work together to solve crimes and unravel a dark past. With elements of romance, mystery, and psychological trauma, this show keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
A civilian diving team is enlisted to search for a lost nuclear submarine and faces danger while encountering an alien aquatic species. The team must navigate through a storm, sabotage, and the threat of nuclear war to ultimately communicate with the aliens and save the world.
A mad scientist kidnaps three people and surgically connects them in a horrifying experiment, creating a human centipede.
An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.
In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. The story is set in the indeterminate future. A virus, deliberately released in 1996 in multiple locations around the world, has killed off nearly all of the Earth's population, at least five billion people...
Horace and Pete is a dark comedy-drama TV show that revolves around the dysfunctional family who runs a bar in Brooklyn. The story explores various themes such as sibling and parent-child relationships, drug use, alcoholism, psychosis, institutionalization, and broken homes. It also delves into the complexities of family history and the challenges faced by barflies. The series subtly addresses issues like abusive father-daughter relationships, age-gap relationships, and brother-brother relationships. Horace and Pete is a thought-provoking and emotionally intense web series.
Dream Corp LLC is a TV show about a clinic that offers experimental medical procedures through the use of a medical robot. The show explores surreal and oneiric themes, with elements of dark comedy and psychedelic visuals.
After his wife and daughter go missing from a hospital, a man's reality starts to unravel as he becomes trapped in a web of illusions, delusions, and conspiracies.
A therapist tries to heal his grieving wife's broken heart in a cabin in the woods, but their journey into their darkest fears leads to more pain and punishment.
After the sudden death of his mother, an anxiety-ridden man embarks on a Kafkaesque odyssey back home, where he confronts his deepest fears and experiences surreal and bizarre encounters along the way.
Witchblade is a TV show about a female police detective who discovers the Witchblade, a powerful artifact that grants her superhuman abilities. She must learn to control its power while fighting crime and protecting the city from various threats. Along the way, she uncovers a hidden destiny and faces personal challenges, including unrequited love and self-sacrifice.
In "Doors," a series of otherworldly doors begin appearing all over the globe. As people start investigating and entering these doors, they are taken on surreal and unknown journeys. From a classroom setting where a teacher helps her students cope with their fears, to a dimensional portal leading to an empty city, each door presents a different and mind-bending experience. As humanity tries to comprehend the purpose and origins of these doors, they are faced with the realization that their very existence may be in jeopardy.
A Tale of Two Sisters is a psychological thriller that revolves around two sisters, Soo-mi and Soo-yeon, who return home after being hospitalized. As they try to adjust to their new lives, they face a series of disturbing events and family secrets that push them to the edge of their sanity.
When a man awakens from a coma only to discover that someone has taken on his identity, he teams up with a young woman to prove who he is. Martin Harris and his wife, Liz, arrive in Berlin for a biotechnology conference. However, when Martin forgets his briefcase with their passports at the airport, his life takes a turn for the worse. After a car accident and four days in a coma, Martin wakes up with no memory and finds that his wife claims not to know him. Determined to find the truth, Martin teams up with an illegal immigrant named Gina to unravel a web of lies and deceit that involves assassination, theft, and corrupt government agents. As Martin's memories slowly return, he realizes the extent of the conspiracy and must fight to save his own life.
In Tokyo, a series of gruesome murders has the city gripped with fear. Detective Takabe is assigned to the case and discovers a common thread among the victims - they all display signs of amnesia and have been subjected to hypnotism. As he delves deeper into the investigation, Takabe realizes that he may be dealing with a dangerous serial killer who uses hypnotic suggestion to manipulate the minds of his victims. With his own sanity at risk, Takabe must unravel the truth before he becomes the next target.
Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose scarf is found wrapped around a snowman. As he delves deeper into the case, he discovers a cunning serial killer whose cold and calculated methods create a chilling atmosphere of fear and suspense.
Mommy is a drama about a single mother who is trying to raise her troubled teenage son. The movie explores their relationship and the challenges they face as they navigate through life.
After a plane crash, a toxic virus infects a farming town. A young couple fights to survive with help from others.