Mob Psycho 100 follows the life of Shigeo Kageyama, a young boy with immense psychic powers. Despite his incredible abilities, Shigeo tries to live a normal life and navigate through the challenges of high school. However, he is constantly faced with supernatural threats that test his emotional intelligence and his control over his powers.
When this happens though, she blacks out. Even in her day-to-day life, she can hear people's evil intentions and true colors and senses their lies and deception. That is why she always wears headphones in order to shut out people's emotions. She works well with her colleagues at the "Red Spider Lily" (Higanbana) unit, who are all brutally honest acid-tongued women with no qualms about speaking their minds. "Red Spider Lily" is an eclectic unit that includes a science geek, a single mom, and a woman who grew up abroad. Seen by many as a department that's been taken off the main career track, "Red Spider Lily" turns out to be full of fabulous detectives!
Mob Psycho 100 follows the story of Kageyama Shigeo, also known as Mob, a teenage boy who has incredibly powerful psychic abilities. Despite his immense powers, Mob just wants to live a normal life and navigate the challenges of high school. Along the way, he becomes involved in various supernatural incidents and uses his powers to help others. With the guidance of his mentor, Reigen, Mob learns to control his emotions and use his abilities for good.
In the future, mankind's seemingly utopian society is strictly controlled by the government, and anything that threatens to disrupt the status quo is ruthlessly suppressed. When 14-year-old Jomy begins to question the way the society is run, he suddenly becomes a target for both the government and the Mu, an outcast race with extra-sensory abilities who have been fighting against the government for generations. Now, each is determined to hunt him down - one to kill him and the other to save him.
College student Haruka’s life takes a disturbing turn when a night of innocent fun turns horrific. After one friend commits suicide and another becomes possessed, Haruka reaches out to the enigmatic Yakumo Saito, a fellow student who is rumored to have psychic powers. But beneath the dubious claims surrounding Yakumo is a dark secret concerning his mysterious red eye and the souls of the dead.
Xiao Zhen is a 16-year-old girl born with the ability to see spirits. As she uses her power to help the living deal with their loved ones on the other side, she must juggle the pressures of teenage life with the demands of the spirit world.
A group of New York City psychics conduct deeply intimate readings for their clients, revealing a kaleidoscope of loneliness, connection, and healing.
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
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