Hothead (1979) is a comedy-drama sports movie set in a provincial town in France in the 1970s. The story follows a factory worker who becomes a soccer player and faces class differences, scorn, and fame. He also deals with personal struggles including an extramarital affair and witnessing mob violence. The movie showcases the challenges and triumphs of the protagonist as he navigates his way through the world of soccer.
1984, Sverdlovsk, USSR. A shy freshman, an entrepreneur, a poet and two charming it-girls navigate life in a student dorm, sharing their griefs and joys, all for one and one for all. Suddenly a horrible accident blows up the life of the dorm when a female student commits suicide. The dorm is a miniature model of the world that encapsulates the full range of human passions, acts of bravery and cowardice, aspirations for virtue and failures, of love, friendship and betrayal.
Set in a provincial town, 'The Ugly Swans' takes place in a dystopian future where genetic mutation and paranormal phenomenon threaten humanity. A gifted student, living with her father, a writer, uncovers a hidden portal to another dimension. As she delves deeper into the mysteries of the forbidden city, she discovers sinister plots involving chemical weapons, alien invasions, and the end of mankind. With the help of a group of scientists and philosophers, she must unravel the truth and prevent the catastrophe that looms over humanity.
The Grand Manoeuvre is a satire comedy that takes place in a provincial town in France during the 1910s. It follows the story of a womanizing officer who gets involved in a wager with a military uniform designer. As the officer tries to seduce a milliner, the truth of his unrequited love and the complex web of relationships in the town are revealed. The story is filled with gossip, jealousy, and a touch of romance.
In the 1940s, a group of people herding cattle must navigate the Australian wilderness as they travel from a provincial town to their destination. Along the way, they face various challenges and encounters that test their resolve and partnership.
Based on the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.
Naturally optimistic and mischievous, Jérôme Aubin crossed the time of his adolescence, around 1945, with ease and good humor. The years passed. He married the pretty Françoise, a little neighbor he had known since the age of eight, and soon found himself a secondary school teacher, a little anxious at the thought of facing for the first time students he had been told were particularly turbulent. How will he master this new difficulty? Better than you'd think, thanks to a delicious optimism: boldly going against the grain of conventional methods, he surprises his young audience, thwarting the plans of the dissipated gossips and turning their most tendentious attitudes to his advantage. All this provokes astonishment and concern among the college's leaders. But Jérôme Aubin is no pushover, and even the dreaded general supervisor finds himself obliged to give in to his most audacious initiatives...
“Witch,” those who came for help yesterday throw after Pauline. Who is she, an evil sorceress or a kind, but not very happy woman? The young capital surgeon Dmitry arrives in a provincial town and here comes a real, deep feeling. He falls in love ... with a witch! Dmitry’s mother does everything to separate the lovers, and she succeeds. But on New Year's Eve a miracle happens: thanks to her gift, Pauline saves Dmitry's life. And now the Siren Siren is already heard, in which Polina and Dmitry ride, waiting for the birth of a child ...
"My husband and I are fifteen years apart. When I met him, I was twenty-one years old. He was thirty-five. For the people of our small town in the center of France, I am a whore. A gigolo. A self-serving little slut." Thus begins Cuisine bourgeoise, which evokes, through the story of social dinners he is forced to attend, the hell of contempt, condescension, and icy ostracism that the local bourgeoisie subjects the narrator of this film, a young homosexual of twenty-one, living in a couple with an older man, in the very small town on the banks of the Loire where his partner is a prominent notable.
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