Gary the Rat is an American television program adult-oriented animated series animated by Spike Animation Studios, produced by Grammnet Productions and distributed by Cheyenne Enterprises. It began as a Web cartoon in 2000 for The series aired on Spike in 2003, lasting for one season. The series was created by now re-structured studio BLITZ, formerly known as eStudio. The complete series has not come to DVD. However, all episodes are available on the iTunes Music Store and the Zune Marketplace.
In Sleeping Dogs, a man finds himself trapped in a dystopian future where a fascist government controls everything. He becomes an unwilling participant in a rebel group's fight against the oppressive regime. As he navigates this near-future world filled with violence, curfew, and government repression, he must make difficult choices to survive and possibly bring about a revolution.
When a private detective is murdered, he is reincarnated as a dog and must solve his own murder with the help of his human partner and a cat.
While filming a music video in an old mansion, a female rock star and her band accidentally unleash a supernatural killer who is tied to the legendary violinist Niccolo Paganini. The band members are hunted down one by one as they try to lift the curse and survive the night.
Bird Karma follows the story of a mystical heron who seeks revenge after being killed by a hunter. In a dark twist of poetic justice, the hunter becomes the hunted as the heron absorbs the hunter's power and ultimately devours him alive. The film explores themes of karma and mysticism, with a surprising and absorbing ending.
When a gangster's drug deal goes wrong, a man finds himself trapped in a time loop where he must uncover the truth and prevent the death of his pregnant girlfriend. Set in Hungary, this thrilling crime sci-fi movie explores the complexities of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship amidst a dangerous criminal underworld.
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