Wrong is a surreal comedy about a man named Dolph who experiences a series of strange events. After his beloved dog Paul goes missing, Dolph finds himself on a bizarre journey filled with absurdity and surreal encounters. Along the way, he encounters a quirky cast of characters and navigates through a world where nothing is as it seems. With its offbeat humor and unusual storyline, Wrong is an unconventional and unpredictable film that will leave audiences both amused and perplexed.
A father named [father] decides to take his estranged daughter on a road trip in an effort to get her out of trouble. Along the way, they encounter various strangers and face challenges that put their strained relationship to the test.
In 'Save the Tiger,' a businessman in Beverly Hills is facing financial ruin and a failing marriage. He is haunted by war flashbacks and experiences a heart attack during sex. In an attempt to save his struggling clothing factory, he contemplates unethical actions and is propositioned for sex. This drama explores themes of midlife crisis, adultery, and the desperation to save one's livelihood.
In Jayne Mansfield's Car, a family gathers for a funeral, bringing together three generations and revealing complex relationships and unresolved issues. Set in the backdrop of the 1960s, the movie explores the impact of World War II and the Vietnam War on the veterans and their families. The characters navigate through conflicts, love, and secrets, as they confront the ghosts of the past and attempt to find healing and understanding.
A man seeks revenge on the bigot who shot his wife to death in 1880s Texas.
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