In the small town of Wheelsy, a meteor crash brings an alien parasite that infects the residents, turning them into zombie-like creatures. The town's sheriff and a group of survivors must fight to stop the infestation and save themselves.
After inheriting her aunt's cursed necklace, a teenage girl becomes possessed by a voodoo spirit. She uses her newfound powers to exact revenge and terrorize those around her, including her modeling agency.
A wealthy widow finds herself in the midst of a murder investigation when her husband's death is suspected to be a disguised accident. As a private investigator delves into the case, secrets are uncovered, and the widow becomes entangled in a web of deception, inheritance, and betrayal. With a beautiful soundtrack composed by a talented musician, the story takes unexpected twists and turns, revealing the dark truth hidden behind the facade of luxury and love.
A murderer goes after a female attorney when he thinks that she has witnessed one of his killings.
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