Barnum is a biographical film that tells the captivating story of P.T. Barnum and his pursuit of creating the greatest show on earth. From his humble beginnings as a struggling businessman to his rise as the legendary showman, the movie showcases Barnum's determination and creativity in bringing together a diverse cast of performers to captivate audiences with awe-inspiring live performances. This heartwarming tale is based on true events and celebrates the power of dreams and imagination.
This series illustrates the life and career of P.T. Barnum, America's greatest showman and promoter. Starting as a young man who managed an old woman who was supposedly George Washington's nursemaid, we see his career as he finds success promoting curiosities and attractions with panache and a judicious mix of truth and creativity, whether it be promoting his museum or characters like the midget General Tom Thumb. Yet because the demands of his businesses, his family life is troubled and marred by tragedy. All the while, events lead to his greatest creation, the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus.
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