Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story is a documentary that explores the life and career of William Castle, a legendary filmmaker known for his innovative and often gimmicky approach to movie-making. The film delves into Castle's work in the horror genre, his exploitation and psychotronic filmmaking techniques, and the promotional hype that surrounded his movies. It also explores Castle's impact on the movie business and his role as a film producer and director.
A short documentary about the press of GoldenEye.
In a small town in 1950s Spain, a scam artist posing as a priest uses illusions and promotional hype to exploit the religious faith of the believers. He creates miracles using holy water, water fountains, and mineral water, but his deceptive tactics are exposed when a full-bodied apparition turns out to be a fake. With the help of a homeless man, he eventually learns the true meaning of religion and faith.
DVD documentary short about the casting of On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). Program is made up of original television footage of the principal leads of the movie's cast meeting the press on the 7th of October 1968, two weeks prior to the start of principal photography.
Documentary short about the promotion of On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) in Portugal. Program is made up of original television footage of the movie's cast and crew meeting the press at the Palácio Hotel in Estoril, Portugal as well as rehearsing the Wedding scene for the movie.
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