Puppylove is a coming-of-age drama that follows a 14-year-old girl's sexual awakening and her experiences with friendship, promiscuity, and teenage love. Set during a summer vacation, she explores her desires and forms relationships while navigating the challenges of teenage sexuality and a close friendship with another girl. The film delves into themes of seduction, partying, and the complex dynamics of a father-daughter relationship.
The Smell of Us follows a group of teenagers in Paris who engage in risky and scandalous behaviors, including prostitution, promiscuity, and drug use. The film explores themes of sexuality, identity, and the search for meaning in an often chaotic and confusing world.
In Cage Dive, a group of friends embark on a shark diving expedition off the coast of California. When their boat is capsized by a massive wave, they find themselves trapped in a cage underwater with hungry great white sharks circling around them. As they struggle to survive and find a way to escape, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. The group must fight to stay alive and outsmart the deadly predators before it's too late.
The Tribe is a movie about a deaf mute teenager who joins a notorious boarding school gang involved in crime and prostitution. He becomes entangled in a world of peer pressure, unwanted pregnancies, and violence. As he navigates through this troubled youth, he forms an unlikely friendship and seeks revenge against the ruthless gang members.
A high school track star's wedding plans are capsized by venereal disease and a bad, beautiful new girl in town. His coach and a physician steer him into the light again.
A girl of 14 is embarrassing her foster parents. She exposes herself to a homeless and police. It turns out that the girl has had sex with various men in exchange for a little kindness and chocolate. At fornication trial she has to face the city's municipal chief, who also has abused the girl.
A court case ensues when a 47-year old man is caught with a 15-year old girl, and he claims he never knew she was so young.
Film about an unsigned rock band in Osaka.
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