Sakuran (2006) takes us on a mesmerizing exploration of the lives of geishas and courtesans in Edo-era Japan. The story revolves around a young girl named Kiyoha, who is sold to a brothel at a young age and rises through the ranks to become a top-ranking courtesan. As she navigates the complex world of tea houses, banquets, and cat fights, Kiyoha must confront her own desires and search for love amidst a society that objectifies and commodifies women.
À propos de Nice is a satirical and avant-garde silent film that showcases the stark wealth disparity and decadence of the residents of Nice, France. The film combines elements of a travelogue, city symphony, and social satire to create a poetic and visually stunning depiction of life in the French Riviera.
A woman in New York City becomes obsessed with becoming famous and puts up her name on a billboard, gaining instant notoriety. She navigates the challenges of fame and the price she has to pay for it.
Rendezvous in Paris is a romantic comedy that takes place in the beautiful city of Paris. The story revolves around a group of characters and their intertwining relationships, filled with love, laughter, and unexpected twists.
Explosion of a Motor Car is a dark comedy short film that shows the chaotic aftermath of a car explosion during a promenade. The film explores the reactions of the people involved, including the driver, the police officer, and the friends of the victims. It showcases the absurdity and unexpected consequences of the situation.
Walking is a short animated film from 1968 that explores the act of walking in a surreal and non-narrative manner. There is no dialogue in the film, and it focuses on the technique of walking while incorporating elements of surrealism and psychedelia. The film features various characters, including an old man, an old woman, and a young adult, all of whom showcase unique styles of walking. At times, the animation also portrays running and a humorous depiction of a penis. Overall, Walking is a visually captivating and unconventional exploration of the simple act of walking.
Impressionistic film based on a Maupassant story about five friends who fall in love with the same beautiful girl one summer.
Flirtation Walk is a romantic musical movie set at the United States Military Academy, West Point. The film revolves around a love story between a young cadet and a native Hawaiian girl. It showcases their flirtatious encounters, the challenges they face due to cultural differences, and the music and dances that bring them closer. The movie also touches upon the themes of duty, honor, and sacrifice that are inherent in military life.
Katerina is a spoiled rich woman who spends her time playing with the men who surround her. Only herself and her parents know she is dying and that the first possible emotion will be fatal.She knows that the first time she will love will be the last one and so he is not given to anyone until he meets Stephanos.
A top-hatted man gets dressed in the morning, and starts to yawn, causing his housekeeper to yawn as well. He sets off down the street where he proceeds to make others yawn as well, including a shop keeper, passers-by, and a small group of soldiers.
In Jaws 19, set in the year 2015, the infamous land shark returns to terrorize a resort town. As the community searches for a missing corpse, they encounter various incidents including a ship explosion, fights, and bizarre accidents. A group of friends, including an unofficial blogger, embark on a dangerous excursion to confront the creature, unaware of the impending disaster. This parody-filled movie is a satirical take on the classic shark-attack genre, with a twist of video blogging and local tourism.
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