The movie follows the lives of the first astronauts in the US space program, known as the Mercury Seven. It explores their struggles, triumphs, and the intense competition between them as they strive to become a part of history by being the first to venture into space. With the Cold War as a backdrop, the film showcases their physical and mental tests, their bravery, and the risks they take to push the limits of human exploration.
Mercury 13 is a documentary that tells the story of the women who underwent rigorous training to become astronauts as part of the NASA Project Mercury in the 1960s. Despite their qualifications and dedication, these women were ultimately barred from becoming astronauts due to institutional sexism and prejudice. The film explores their journey and the impact of their exclusion on the space race and women's rights movement.
In 1961, no one believed President Kennedy’s pledge to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. To win the race to space, the USA needed to create a multi-billion dollar space program. Using stunning NASA footage, this inspirational film tells the story of the colossal challenges NASA faced to fulfill Kennedy's pledge. With the accolade of flying 24 men safely to the moon, Saturn V is considered one of mankind's greatest technological achievements. This is the story of the most powerful machine ever built, and the men and women who believed it could fly.
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