Nightmare is a psychological thriller set in a private school where a young female student with recurring nightmares faces paranoia, fear, and a traumatic experience. She is expelled from the school due to her mental state and seeks help from a lawyer to prove her sanity. As she uncovers the truth behind her nightmares, she realizes the horrors of her past and the sinister secret behind the school.
In this film noir melodrama, a black vampire is on the loose, terrorizing the city by murdering children. The vampire, disguised as an alley beggar and lurking in the sewers, becomes the object of ridicule for the hypocritical citizens. When a little girl is abducted, a merchant seaman, an English tutor, and a wheelchair-bound woman team up to hunt down the vampire and seek justice. The investigation leads them to a cabaret owner and a drug dealer involved in the child murders. As the police investigation intensifies, the city becomes a battlefield between good and evil.
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