Resistance (2003) tells the story of a French resistance movement during the Nazi occupation in the year 1944. The plot revolves around a wounded American pilot who crash-lands in Belgium and seeks help from the resistance. As the story unfolds, the characters face betrayal, violence, and the challenges of fighting against the Nazi regime. The movie explores themes of love, sacrifice, and liberation.
A U.S. pilot undergoes plastic surgery and drops into Japan to get a captive scientist's (Marc Cramer) atomic secrets.
When a bitter rivalry between two brothers finally erupts into bloody, life-changing violence it is younger bother Greg who signs up for frontline battle in France. Greg discovers a world of uncompromising brutality as we follow him on his journey through France at the outbreak of World War 2.
A story about a guerilla assassin tasked to kill fascist collaborators and sympathizers in the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.
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