Convicts 4 is a 1962 biographical drama film based on the autobiography written by John Resko, a New York City artist who was imprisoned for armed robbery. The film follows Resko's experiences in Sing Sing prison, including his interactions with fellow inmates, prison guards, and his struggle to maintain his sanity.
Mathilukal is a romantic drama film based on a novel. It tells the story of two prisoners who fall in love with each other without ever seeing each other. The film explores themes of love, fear, and the oppressive nature of the prison system. The plot revolves around the interactions and emotions shared between the prisoners and the unseen prison warden.
House of Numbers follows the story of twin brothers, one of whom is in prison for murder. The other brother hatches a daring escape plan to free him, leading to a series of thrilling events filled with suspense and deception. Set in the 1950s, this film-noir explores themes of jealousy, psychopathy, and the lengths one would go to protect family.
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