In the year 3014, a team of prisoners with different skills and backgrounds is brought together for a mission to a distant alien planet. Their objective is to retrieve a powerful artifact that holds the key to mankind's survival. Facing severe weather, dangerous alien creatures, and the threat of death, the team must rely on their teamwork and resourcefulness to complete the mission and find a way back to Earth.
In this animated movie, Ben Tennyson, a child protagonist, transforms into different aliens using a powerful device called Omnitrix. He must race against time to deactivate the self-destruct countdown and save the planet from destruction.
A female detective with telekinetic powers is assigned to stop a villain who threatens to destroy the city. She goes undercover in a prison planet and forms a bond with an undercover cop. Together, they must navigate through a military base, navigate a heavy rainstorm, and engage in a sword fight to bring the villain down.
The Doctor and Martha explore the galaxy, encountering a despot on a prison planet and uncovering a sinister plot.
In 'Transformations,' a spaceship carrying convicts crash-lands on a prison planet. They find themselves held hostage by evil aliens, who have the power to transform their victims. Meanwhile, a love interest begins to develop among the captives. As the aliens continue their attacks, the survivors must fight back to save themselves and escape from the prison planet.
Prisoners are dumped on a sand planet dubbed Earth 21-523 where most are immediately killed by the sand people and the remainder struggle for existence. That is until a new prisoner arrives with ideas of providing irrigation of the desert. But he still must first fight the nomadic sand people.
Stingray Sam is a buddy comedy that follows the adventures of two characters as they navigate a surreal world filled with go-go dancers, wealthy upper-class Martians, and a pregnant man. With a mix of musical numbers and episodic storytelling, the film takes viewers on a journey through space and time, all while delivering laughs and unexpected twists.
After mankind moved into space, the old planet Earth is forgotten, a polluted wasteland where only expelled prisoners still survive.
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