Edison is a gripping action-packed movie that revolves around corruption, conspiracy, and the pursuit of justice. It follows an investigative journalist and a police detective as they uncover a web of corruption within the police force and the government. As they dig deeper, they find themselves entangled in a dangerous conspiracy that threatens to expose the dark secrets of those in power. With intense gunfights, explosive action sequences, and a gripping plot, Edison keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
When a man is knocked unconscious and wakes up in prison, he discovers that he has been framed for a crime and caught in a dangerous spy ring. With the help of a fellow prisoner, he must uncover the truth and clear his name before it's too late.
In Convicted (1950), a man finds himself falsely accused and imprisoned. As he tries to survive within the harsh environment of the American prison system, he must also unravel a web of deception and corruption that threatens his life. With a vow of silence, he discovers that trust is a dangerous commodity within the prison walls.
T-Man Brass Bancroft goes undercover in a prison which has a secret counterfeit operation set up in the print shop.
A reporter and a lawyer investigate a women's prison and help an inmate who does not belong there.
Sygnaly is a 1938 Polish drama directed by Joseph Lejtes about a pair of jewel thieves. A older man and a young woman, with the elder manipulating the frail one into the world of crime.
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