Erotic drama set in an underground Tokyo club called The Bedroom, where the female clientele are drugged into a trance-like state and are subjected to different styles of bizarre, fetishistic sex by the male clientele.
A secret agent sets out to stop an evil scientist who is about to unleash on the world a virulent biological strain he has developed during experiments on rats.
A lone truck driver who is lured into the woods by a nubile Lady Godiva discovers after he’s slept with her that all is not as it seems. The Sex Victims (1973) is very much part of the Britsploitation fold, featuring gratuitous nudity, working-class vernacular and rough sex. Yet director Derek Robbins also veers into some of the same uncanny territory directors like José Larraz would later explore at feature length, making it a unique hybrid. In fact, The Sex Victims would make a perfect bill cousin for Larraz’s Vampyres (1974) for the way in which it combines ample nudity with supernatural elements. (BFI)
Ned Elliott, a young clerk, is engaged to be married. His salary is not large enough to support a wife and he asks his employer for a "raise," which is refused. The same thing occurs several times, and with each refusal Ned postpones his marriage. In despair he concocts a scheme to make his employer give him the coveted "raise." He takes a bright young maid who works at his boarding house into his confidence. Knowing that Mr. Hadley, his employer, is a flirt, and that Mrs. Hadley is extremely jealous, Ned plans to have Mary, the maid, come to Hadley's office and declare herself his (Hadley's) wife. Ned arranges it so that Mrs. Hadley arrives on the scene at the same time. A series of most laughable incidents follow Mary's entrance in Hadley's office, ending with Ned getting his "raise." But the raise is such that, well, it would spoil the splendid finish of the story to tell it.
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