In this neo-screwball comedy, a television producer pretends to be a wife and mother, causing chaos and deception to impress her love interest. She ends up hosting a television program in the beautiful wilderness of Colorado, where hilarious situations and unexpected romance unfold.
The Boys of St. Vincent is a powerful and disturbing movie that delves into the dark and haunting world of child abuse within a Catholic orphanage in 1970s Newfoundland. The film follows the experiences of young boys who are subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of the priests in charge. It explores the lasting impact of trauma and the struggle for justice in the face of a powerful institution. The story is based on true events and serves as a stark reminder of the abuses that can occur behind closed doors.
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Sonja Broberg needs to make extra money so she offers to help the author Johannes Porshammar with his latest novel about single mothers, a subject he knows very little of. However, Sonja is also single but borrows a young boy from a kindergarten, claiming to be his mother. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
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