Alleluia tells the story of Gloria, a single mother who falls in love with Michel, a morgue attendant with a dark secret. As their relationship grows, they embark on a murderous spree, targeting women who remind Michel of his ex-wife. Their obsession and jealousy lead to deadly consequences.
Newlyweds Webster and Jackie Frye spend their honeymoon in a sinister old country house. Before long, they are besieged by a gang of crooks, searching for a fortune in diamonds. With the help of chauffeur Harmony Jones, the honeymooners attempt to outsmart the villains.
Following WWII, ex-G.I. Stan opened up a drive-in restaurant. His girlfriend, Joanie, is one of the car hops. They want to get married someday, but the less-than-stellar business the restaurant takes in puts a hold on that plan. One day, Joanie's ne’er-do-well brother Frank blows into town with a money-making scheme. She's against it, but Stan - an inveterate gambler - finds the promise of riches too seductive to resist…
Dave seems doomed to a lonely life of eating ramen noodles alone on Friday nights forever, but Christmas magic is afoot. And no Russian spies, disgruntled bosses, or horny bakery scientists can defeat the Yuletide spirit. Sex, lies, and more sex, the things that make Christmas great.
Aurora is a young mother living in Europe, trying to balance the joys and challenges of motherhood while also dealing with her own personal struggles. As she takes care of her child, she is confronted with various obstacles that test her patience and resilience. With the enchanting backdrop of the Aurora Borealis, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth.
When the American president's daughter is abducted while attempting to rescue a Los Angeles children's shelter, a mysterious alien she calls Uncle attempts to rescue her.
A teenage escapee from a correctional facility falls in with a drug dealer operating near the Mexican border.
An old doctor hires a young new doctor to join his practice, particularly to attract women for more business.
While in a park, a young woman sees her fiancé being quite affectionate with another woman. When she calls him on the telephone to demand an explanation, he tells her that it was his sister. She is not satisfied, and insists on coming over to meet his 'sister'. As the young man broods over how to get out of trouble, an old college friend comes over, and he offers to pretend to be the sister. At first this works, but soon it has created even more complications.
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