In this dark comedy, a toymaker creates a mechanical doll that comes to life and causes chaos. The toymaker's apprentice gets caught up in a pursuit to find a wife, while monks from a nearby convent try to retrieve the doll. The story takes a twist when the doll is mistaken for a real woman. The film explores themes of love, marriage, and the pursuit of happiness.
In 'Tis a Gift, the magical world of Shining Time Station comes alive during Christmas Eve. When a miniature person mysteriously disappears from a train station's Christmas tree, a train conductor and a little girl team up to find the missing ornament. As they embark on a magical adventure, they encounter laughter, sadness, reconciliation, and the true meaning of Christmas.
Calvin the elf can't stay out of trouble. He bungles the job of making toys for Santa to deliver because he can't pay attention to his work.
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