The Hollow Crown follows the power struggles, rivalries, and battles for the throne in 15th-century England during the War of the Roses. It explores the complex relationships within the royal family, the intrigues of court life, and the challenges faced by those vying for the crown. The show depicts the rise and fall of various kings, including King Richard III, and portrays the political and social upheaval of the time. With a focus on Shakespeare's plays and the Tudor era, The Hollow Crown provides a captivating look into British history and the struggle for power.
The TV show is about the Godunov family, which covers the period from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the accession of Mikhail Romanov to the throne.
Based on a true story, set in the late 19th century: Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears after a South American shipwreck. Some years later his erudite Afro-English valet, Bogle, is sent to investigate rumors that Tichborne survived and settled in Australia. An alcoholic ruffian answer's Bogle's inquiries claiming to be the lost heir. Bogle suspects fraud, but conspires with the claimant to split the inheritance should the latter succesfully pass himself off to friends, family and the courts. As the claimant returns to England to continue his charade, enough people confirm his identity to make both the claimant and Bogle believe that he just might be the rightful heir after all.
Historian Thomas Penn reveals the secrets of founder of Britain’s great Tudor Dynasty - and his amazing trajectory to power. Two weeks after landing on the shores Wales in 1485 with a small band of mercenaries, Henry of Richmond defeats the notorious Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. He is crowned Henry VII and then begins a career of realpolitik, a charming exterior making a savage ambition. The War of the Roses, his wife Elizabeth of York, and the beginning of the Renaissance are all part of this incredible history, as are Henry’s obsessions with money and astonishing spy network.
In Beverly of Graustark, an American woman disguises herself as a man while traveling in Europe. She becomes embroiled in a romantic rivalry, an assassination plot, and must navigate the challenges of impersonating a man in a society unfamiliar with her true identity. Will she be able to maintain her disguise and find love in the process?
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