Where Hope Grows is a drama film that follows a former professional baseball player named Calvin Campbell. Calvin's life takes a turn when he meets Produce, a grocery store clerk with Down syndrome. Through their friendship, Calvin finds hope and redemption as he learns valuable life lessons and discovers the power of unconditional love.
The night of a sorority hazing event, Scotty, a college freshman, must make an impression on the older girl she wants as her “big”. As the night goes on, Scotty realizes how far she’s willing to go to prove herself. Power dynamics are not what they seem.
This 14-minute film is designed to create an atmosphere in which people can speak seriously and openly about their thoughts and feelings concerning sexual behavior. The film concerns the conflict a young couple faces because of their different attitudes toward sex.
Because of his cancer, Pavel has to intensify his chemotherapy. One of its side effects is the loss of fertility. The exhausting therapy is to start in five days. Pavel (32) and Jasmin (26) only recently have started a relationship.
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