Made in Dagenham is a comedy-drama film based on the true story of a group of women working at the Ford automobile factory in Dagenham, England, who went on strike in 1968 to demand equal pay. The film follows the journey of Rita O'Grady, who becomes the leader of the strike and fights against sexism and discrimination. Despite facing pressure from management and the government, the women's strike leads to a significant victory for equal pay.
When an immigration crisis causes tensions to boil over, the United States finds itself on the brink of a second civil war. Amidst the chaos, a diverse cast of characters including politicians, lobbyists, journalists, and everyday citizens must navigate the absurdity and violence of the conflict.
Marooned is a 1969 American space exploration film directed by John Sturges and starring Gregory Peck, Richard Crenna, David Janssen, James Franciscus, and Gene Hackman. The film depicts three astronauts who are stranded in space after their spacecraft malfunctions. As they struggle to survive with limited resources, tensions rise and their mental and physical health deteriorate.
Best – His Mother’s Son (BBC Two) was a gloomy drama about Ann Best, mother of George, who was strictly teetotal until her mid-40s, when she had her first sip of sherry to celebrate her son’s footballing success. Ten years later, she was dead from alcoholism-related heart disease. The recreation of late-Sixties Belfast was accurate and, thank goodness, intelligently subdued: no comedy Ulster accents and no point-scoring subplot about the Troubles.
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