Crisis (2014) is a TV show that explores the intense world of kidnappings and hostage situations. The story revolves around a secret service agent and an FBI agent who must work together to find a solution to a high-stakes crisis. As they navigate through conspiracy and danger, they uncover shocking secrets and face a criminal mastermind. The show delves into the complexities of relationships, power dynamics, and the lengths people are willing to go to protect their loved ones.
After her daughter is brutally gang-raped, a single mother takes matters into her own hands and seeks vigilante justice against the criminals. With the help of a disgraced police officer, she navigates the corrupt legal system and fights for her daughter's justice.
Jappeloup is a biographical drama about the life and journey of Pierre Durand, an aspiring lawyer who decides to follow his passion for showjumping. Against all odds, Durand forms a strong bond with his horse Jappeloup and together they set out to achieve glory at the Olympics. This heartwarming story depicts their struggles, triumphs, and the obstacles they overcome to become one of the greatest equestrian duos in history.
Army photographers on leave in Japan take over a geisha house.
Amol Rajan tells the story of one of the most dramatic periods in modern royal history, looking at how the younger royals' relationship with the media changed following the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
A documentary tracking the life and career of the model-musician turned first lady of France.
Sieged: The Press vs. Denialism is a documentary that explores the challenges faced by journalists as they fight against misinformation and political incompetence during a contagious disease outbreak in Brazil. It delves into the role of the press in covering the pandemic, the impact of fake news, and the complex dynamics between journalism, politics, and public health.
Derrick J engages in various acts of civil disobedience to promote liberty and challenge the government's authority. He faces legal consequences for his actions but remains committed to his principles.
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